Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am thankful.  Yes, I have my frustrations in life... bills, debt, not enough hours in the day, kids who don't listen when I REALLY want them to, a car that makes noise and a car window that won't go down, the "turning on red" ticket I got in the mail that is going to cost me $50!  You get the pcture, life isn't perfect. 
Yet- in some ways it is.  I have three amazing kids who still love to cuddle with me and will still tell me I am "the best mom ever."  Two of those three kids have straight A's and the third doesn't only cause he is four!  I have a husband who loves me and, even though he doesn't ever cook dinner (ever), he supports me and rarely fusses when the laundry pile is bigger than the washing machine.  I have a home, three jobs (yes, three!) that I love and money to cover all our needs.  The debt stinks, but it is decreasing not increasing so for that I am thankful.  I have an amazing church ( and simply amazing friends.  My family is healthy and well. 

So- while the "perfect" life is impossible to achieve, I don't know that there is much I would change about my life.  A few more hours, a housekeeper and a chef maybe.  But other than that, God has blessed me more than I deserve.  Thank you, Lord, for my family and everything you are blessing me with.  I am thankful and I pray that I more often see the blessings in my life rather than the frustrations. 

Can you see your blessings through your frustrations?  They are there, I promise.  What are you thankful for this season?  Below are my most significant and important blesssings.  I'd post one of my husband... but I am forbidden.  Oh well. 

Happy thankgiving, enjoy your turkey, ham or tofurkey (don't think I am ever going to try that one!)

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