Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cooking the thanksgiving meal!

I love my family.  I know everyone mom MUST say that... but I really do.  Each of my kids have different unique qualities and gifts and way  too often I get to "busy" to notice them.  So this thanksgiving was perfect for me.  We spent it alone as a family.  Just the five of us.  

It began bright and early getting the pies made and the turkey ready.  Each of my kids prepared a portion of the meal alone with mommy.  It was so much fun working with each of my kids individually. 

We also spent time making a banner showing all we are thankful for (so those not cooking had something to do!) and it became our centerpiece when we ate.  

All in all, it may have been the best thanksgiving ever.  I love my extended family and did miss them this year... but I really enjoyed just spending time cooking, drawing, playing and laughing with three of the best kids on earth and the most handsome man I know.  

Singing while we work!

Working on our banner of what we are thankful for this year!


Watch out Livi...

I warned you!

Logan's pumpkin pie... yes we put a top on it!  

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as I did!

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