Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Male Seniors MUCH different than Female Seniors.

I have the privilege of working with this young man's mom and when she mentioned she needed a few "in studio" portraits taken for her son, I was excited to do it.  As a "on location" photographer, I shoot mostly outdoors.  So, working in a studio is a fairly new experience for me and I love the opportunity to do so!  I had planned all these fun "manly" poses, but when I met Kyle for the shoot, his mom told me "Kyle wants you to shoot one picture and be done."  We both laughed as she remincesed about her daughters senior pictures and the amount of time that was spent picking out outfits, deciding on hair, picking a location, etc.  Yep- not true for Kyle... just shoot one and be done!

Well- I did convince him to let me shoot a few more than one, but we were out of the studio in 20 minutes! He was a trooper and I think a very handsome senior as well!

The end of the session.. had to get one with mom!

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