Monday, October 10, 2011

The Importance of Family Photographs

 What is the first thing you would rescue from your home, besides your loved ones and your pets, in the case of a fire? Most people say that they would save their family photographs, above other prized possessions. Why?

Family photos tell a story. They are tangible evidence of family history and should be cherished, treasured, and passed down through the generations. They are moments, frozen in time, that describe you, your individual personalities, and your family dynamics.

We had the honor of photographing this beautiful bride last month. We got the sad news a few days later that her father had passed away. Thankfully we captured some wonderful photos of him with his family and his daughter. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for this special occasion, the family might not have had the opportunity to gather for these priceless family photographs. It is during circumstances like these that we realize just how important it is to document the special moments in life, especially the ones that revolve around spending time with family.

Photographs can bring back a flood of memories in a moment, and with those memories, a kaleidoscope of feelings; feelings that might have been locked away for years. Looking at family photos, months, years, or decades later, can be an experience... full of remembrance and reminiscing about those tiny, magnificent moments that escape us so quickly as we move through life, changing, transforming, and growing. The cheerful glint in your grandmother's eye, your brother's mischievous smile, or the glorious colors of the autumn leaves can invoke, in an instant, the way you felt on that crisp fall day with your favorite people in the world.

We would love, more than anything, to help you document your special moments. Don't let your memories fade away, hazy and half-forgotten. We can play a role in preserving your memories, keeping them alive, fresh, and vivid, and encapsulating your family just the way you are today.

And with the holidays around the corner there's no better time to gather your loved ones together for some beautiful family photos. Whether you need Christmas card pictures or want fabulous fall photographs that capture the essence of your unique family, we can't wait to work with you. However, don't forget to take your own camera out (or even your cell phone) and collect precious, everyday memories too. Moments that seem ordinary can turn out to be some of the most valuable memories later in life. Make sure you capture the milk mustaches, crocodile tears, unintentional haircuts, silly faces, missing teeth, and scraped knees, along with milestones and accomplishments. Life goes by so quickly and sometimes we just need a reminder to slow down, look around, and see what's truly important.

-Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kaitlynn: A model in the making!

We had the opportunity to work with this lovely young lady last month. Kaitlynn is an aspiring model and we helped her get started by taking some head shots in the studio and some beautiful outdoor photographs. If you have a child or a teen that is hoping to start a modeling career, but don't know what the first step is, we can help! We have the resources to provide you with the portraits you need to begin your journey as a model!  
Email Devon at: and inquire about our sessions today!

We hope to hear from you soon!

Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shayna & Dan: Engaged!

We met this sweet couple, Shayna & Dan, for a sunset engagement shoot and had a wonderful time strolling around Stumpy Lake until the sun slipped away for the evening. It was fabulous getting the chance to know them a little bit better before their wedding day! We like seeing people in love!

They're such a lovely pair & we can't wait to photograph their wedding this Saturday. Congratulations, Shayna & Dan!

-Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz

Monday, September 5, 2011

"Who's Normal Anyway?" - A Portrait Project

Devon Shanor Photography is working on a new project to showcase the unique and special characteristics of children with special needs. As a former Special Educator, Devon has a heart for helping the world see individuals with special needs as PEOPLE first and their disabilites second. As a photographer, she understands the extra patience and flexibility photographing a child with special needs will bring. And, as a parent, she understands how important it is to have great photographs of your child and their unique personality.  

If you are parents, or know of parents, that have children with Special Needs (including, but not limited to, autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc.) please send them our way.

The only requirements are that the particiating indiviudal and/or their guardians:

  • Complete a short questionnaire and interview.   
  • Sign a model and publishing release allowing Devon Shanor Photography to use their images and their story.

Participants will receive for their participation:

  • A FREE personalized photo shoot on-location or in studo.  
  • A FREE 8x10 of your favorite image from the shoot.

If you are interested in participating in this project please contact Devon at or call (757)337-9024. 

-Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September!

Hello, Internetland! My name is Cherylyn & I'm so happy to be a part of the Devon Shanor Photography team! 
For the last few months I've been working with Devon & helping her grow her photography business! As her assistant, you'll be seeing me around... so I thought I should introduce myself to you lovely readers, Devon's clients & friends!

Sometimes I help Devon with office work: organizing, planning, brainstorming & writing. We get inspired for future projects & bounce creative ideas off of each other. We make a pretty excellent team, in my opinion!

I tag along on most photoshoots, so if you book a session with Devon, you'll probably meet me too. I carry & set up equipment, assist with lighting, props, and posing ideas!

When she needs a second camera around, I'm usually Devon's second shooter... I've had the pleasure of taking photos during family, engagement, & portrait sessions, as well as weddings & other events.

Sometimes I'm Devon's posing guinea pig & she puts me in awkward positions so she can figure out the lighting situation. We're always laughing... and having a blast & a half! And I think her clients have lots of fun too!

Occasionally, one of my jobs is to edit photos from a session. We both love stylized, out-of-the-box photo shoots... so if you're in the mood for a magical, whimsical, or themed shoot, I might end up editing your INSPIRED photographs!

As a media & social networking specialist, I'll be in charge of keeping Devon connected & accessible to all of you social media savvy friends! I'll be taking care of this blog here until the new Devon Shanor Photography website is ready for it's big reveal! (It's coming soon!) 
Devon's Twitter page is up & running... so what are you waiting for?! Follow her here: @DevonShanor!
And you can follow me in the land of Twitter here: @Electro_CEE --- I'll be posting behind the scenes photos & stories from our photographic adventures from both accounts & we'd love to have you along for the ride! 

I'm honored to be here & I can't wait to make new friends! Whether you're a faithful past client or completely new to Devon Shanor Photography, we're glad you found us!!!


-Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fixing YOUR photos

 Have you ever taken a pose you just knew you were going to LOVE to find out that your hair was in your face, your bra strap was showing, or someone was giving you bunny ears?  Don't trash the photo- send it to me.  We can fix that photo you love into a perfect work of art.  Take my friend Maura... she had this PERFECT photo taken when her family was on vacation, only to come home and find her hair was ALL OVER her face!  She LOVED the picture but hated all the windblown hair.  She asked me if I could help.  Check out the before and after!!



So next time you need a little help making your picture into the picture you THOUGHT you had taken... give me a call.

~Love is in the Air~

I have some wonderful news to share... I booked my FIRST destination wedding!  And it's a Persian wedding at that!  What a fun time this is going to be for me!  As I am getting more and more requests for weddings, I wanted to share a little video I made of my favorite moments from my last few weddings.  Just click on the link below and it will transport you to visions of rose petals, white dresses, tiaras, garters, flowers and wedding cake.  Plus, some beautiful brides and weeping grooms.  I absolutely love being able to do what I do.

If you would like more information about my wedding packages, please don't hesitate to call.  I can promise you, I will put my heart and soul into making sure your wedding day is captured to perfection!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

think it is fitting to have a day dedicated to moms.  I wish I had more time to spend with my mom.  But she is in Ohio and I am in Virginia, and sadly, we only get to see each-other a few times a year.  I spent an amazing wonderful trip a few years ago in New York City with my mom and it is still some of my favorite memories.  Today I honor my mom- who wiped my tears, fought my battles, drove me all over the country for competitions, cheered me on and showed me how to give selflessly and love unconditionally. I love you mom.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Male Seniors MUCH different than Female Seniors.

I have the privilege of working with this young man's mom and when she mentioned she needed a few "in studio" portraits taken for her son, I was excited to do it.  As a "on location" photographer, I shoot mostly outdoors.  So, working in a studio is a fairly new experience for me and I love the opportunity to do so!  I had planned all these fun "manly" poses, but when I met Kyle for the shoot, his mom told me "Kyle wants you to shoot one picture and be done."  We both laughed as she remincesed about her daughters senior pictures and the amount of time that was spent picking out outfits, deciding on hair, picking a location, etc.  Yep- not true for Kyle... just shoot one and be done!

Well- I did convince him to let me shoot a few more than one, but we were out of the studio in 20 minutes! He was a trooper and I think a very handsome senior as well!

The end of the session.. had to get one with mom!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Creative Headshots

I met Vanessa a few months ago when I shot her fathers 70th birthday party.  Instantly I knew she is the kind of woman I could be friends with!  She contacted me with the request for some portraits to be used for business cards and social networking.  However, she was scared silly about being in front of the camera!  Here's some of what she wrote...

"You should probably know that I panic in front of cameras. I panic because I'm not very photogenic, and I'm not very photogenic because I panic.  I hate posing. Freezing a smile is the kiss of death for my photos. I start feeling stupid immediately, and the camera picks it right up.  I think maybe a glass of wine beforehand...and I will bring along my sis to help make me laugh."

Her sister did come and we all had a great time.  Plus, we got some amazing shots!  

 Vanessa, you are beautiful inside and out and I am glad I got the  chance to photograph you!  

What did Vanessa think of the day?  A few days after the shoot she wrote me to say...

"Unbelievably, I have good memories of Sunday. That could ONLY be because of you!"