Monday, October 10, 2011

The Importance of Family Photographs

 What is the first thing you would rescue from your home, besides your loved ones and your pets, in the case of a fire? Most people say that they would save their family photographs, above other prized possessions. Why?

Family photos tell a story. They are tangible evidence of family history and should be cherished, treasured, and passed down through the generations. They are moments, frozen in time, that describe you, your individual personalities, and your family dynamics.

We had the honor of photographing this beautiful bride last month. We got the sad news a few days later that her father had passed away. Thankfully we captured some wonderful photos of him with his family and his daughter. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for this special occasion, the family might not have had the opportunity to gather for these priceless family photographs. It is during circumstances like these that we realize just how important it is to document the special moments in life, especially the ones that revolve around spending time with family.

Photographs can bring back a flood of memories in a moment, and with those memories, a kaleidoscope of feelings; feelings that might have been locked away for years. Looking at family photos, months, years, or decades later, can be an experience... full of remembrance and reminiscing about those tiny, magnificent moments that escape us so quickly as we move through life, changing, transforming, and growing. The cheerful glint in your grandmother's eye, your brother's mischievous smile, or the glorious colors of the autumn leaves can invoke, in an instant, the way you felt on that crisp fall day with your favorite people in the world.

We would love, more than anything, to help you document your special moments. Don't let your memories fade away, hazy and half-forgotten. We can play a role in preserving your memories, keeping them alive, fresh, and vivid, and encapsulating your family just the way you are today.

And with the holidays around the corner there's no better time to gather your loved ones together for some beautiful family photos. Whether you need Christmas card pictures or want fabulous fall photographs that capture the essence of your unique family, we can't wait to work with you. However, don't forget to take your own camera out (or even your cell phone) and collect precious, everyday memories too. Moments that seem ordinary can turn out to be some of the most valuable memories later in life. Make sure you capture the milk mustaches, crocodile tears, unintentional haircuts, silly faces, missing teeth, and scraped knees, along with milestones and accomplishments. Life goes by so quickly and sometimes we just need a reminder to slow down, look around, and see what's truly important.

-Written by: Cherylyn Ebertz