Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sexy Valentine's Gift

Okay Ladies, I know Valentine's Day is the day WE expect chocolate, flowers, gifts or jewelry from the one we love.  But what to get HIM?  If you are like me, once you've gotten the card the gift is a big question mark.  Make this Valentines Day one he will NEVER forget!  Beautiful and sexy portraits made just for him. 

All Sessions include the following:
- individual, personal session at a beautiful, private location
- a minimum of five wardrobe changes
- private on-line proofing gallery

The one thing I hear more than anything else is "I can't do

that with THIS body... maybe after I lose some weight"

What you need to remember is you are beautifully and

wonderfully made and you should not be hiding your body

from the one you love! Boudoir photography is about

shedding your fears, embracing your insecurities and

celebrating your beauty. Your man's drooling is just a bonus!

Booking now for Valentines Day Gifts!!

Sessions and Packages starting at just $125!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's Official!!!

Devon Shanor Photography is official!! From just another mom with a camera, to small business owner, allow me to share with you my photography journey.

About five years ago, friends of mine (the beautiful and amazing Harrison Family) encouraged me to start taking photos of others, rather than just my own kids and family, and once I began heeding their advice, I slowly developed an eye and the ability to capture those "perfect" life moments forever in a photograph. Sadly though, the technical knowledge necessary to consider oneself proficient took longer to come by as I am the type who learns by "doing" through instruction and personal interaction. So, no getting a photography degree online for me, haha... I needed someone to personally walk me through my camera settings, explain f-stops, shutters speeds, depth of field, off camera flash, exposure, post processing and ... well, you get the picture. Unbeknownst to me then, there was so much more to photography than having a "good eye", and personable nature. For approximately two years I shot whatever I could, wherever I could, for as often as I could. I actually happened to learn a little along the way (haha), but it wasn't until mid-2010 that I really began owning the fact that I NEEDED to start learning the technical skills I lacked if I ever were to become the photographer I wanted to be.

This realization led to my attending the Mid-Atlantic Regional School of Professional Photography M.A.R.S. 
where I learned more in one week than I had learned in the previous three years…and more amazing, they offered me a full scholarship to come back in 2011! I came home energized and ready to put my new skills to the test! Immediately people noticed a difference in my work, and I couldn't believe how quickly I was building clientele. I soon met a wonderful local photographer, Andi Grant who was gracious and willing to share her vast knowledge, time, and even equipment with a woman she hardly knew. I do not take for granted the time she invested in helping me become the photographer I am. Through her, I became part of a local group of photographers who meet twice a month to share, encourage and learn from one another. With me being a social person, and learning best from personal interaction, I know those ladies are a big part of the reason I am achieving my dreams today, and I pray only blessings and prosperity for all of them (if you ever need photographer and I am booked, I have a list of great recommendations!) I also recently began taking classes from another local photographer, Dee Akright  who has been in the business for over 30 years. I don't know everything yet, but do you ever "know everything?" I think a great professional never stops learning and growing, and I, for one, have enjoyed every second of my journey thus far.

So I guess you could say I started photography as an enthusiastic hobbyist, slowly became an amateur and only recently began to see myself as a professional photographer. So in the last few months of 2010, I made the decision to "take the plunge", "follow my heart", "go all the way" and REALLY become the professional photographer I desire to be. Step one was to get the equipment, and while I am not there yet, I have a very nice camera body (the Canon 5D Mark II) and two awesome lenses (the 50 mm 1.4 and the 70-200 2.8 IS), a decent amount of props and other camera supplies, and one very nice Kelly Moore camera bag my daughter got me for Christmas! Step two was to learn as much as I could and, as you read above, I continue to be in the process of doing just that! Step three was maybe the hardest of all... FAITH! I needed to have faith that this COULD be a professional business for me and not just a "side job" or "hobby." With much prayer, discussion and research, I took a step of faith, and as of today, Devon Shanor Photography is officially an LLC. What does this mean? It means I am officially a businesswoman…at least as far as the IRS is concerned! No more hobby for me; this is no longer just my passion…it is my profession.
2010 was a year of PREPARING and 2011 is the year that I get to see my FAITH in action! Thank you so much to all who have supported me in this endeavor…I am so excited to see what 2011 will bring in my journey as small business owner!

Susent Taken during my time at M.A.R.S.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby Jalynn

One of my last photo shoots in 2010 was of this adorable little cutie named Jalynn.  I would love to do more newborn photography so I was so happy when Jalynn's mom let me photograph her when she was only a few days old.  A bit cranky and didn't want to give me many "sleeping" shots, but really, do babies ever take bad shots?  They are just so stinkin adorable! 

Welcome Baby Jalynn to the world!

Little Fingers, little Toes, little Ears, little Nose!!